Smoldering Wick
JoinedPosts by Smoldering Wick
Are You JW/ Inactive/Fading/Gone.........?
by ScoobySnax in"sitting on the fence" "leading a double life" or just a fader.
its strange i envy both jws and exjws, after all each have a clear direction of where their lives are headed.
they have a definate view of how they feel, what they think, where they're going, what they are.
by dh inwhen you want to type your laughter online, how do you do it?
is it in a lol?
Smoldering Wick
SHID Slaps head in disgustSNAFU Situation normal, all f***ed upSO Significant otherSOL Smilling out loud or sh*t out of luckSOMY Sick of me yet?SOT Short on timeSOTMG Short on time must goSTFW Search the f*****g WebSTW Search the WebSU Shut upSUAKM Shut up and kiss meSUP What's upSWAG Stupid wild-a** guessSWAK Sealed with a kissSWL Screaming with laughterSYS See you soonTA Thanks againTAFN That's all for nowTANSTAAFL There ain't no such thing as a free lunchTCOY Take care of yourselfTFH Thread from hell (a discussion that just won't die and is often irrelevant to the purpose of the forum or group)TGIF Thank God it's FridayTHX ThanksTIA Thanks in advance (used if you post a question and are expecting a helpful reply)TILII Tell it like it isTLA Three-letter acronymTLK2UL8R Talk to you laterTMI Too much informationTNT Till next timeTOPCA Til our paths cross again (early Celtic chat term)TOY Thinking of youTPTB The powers that beTTFN Ta-Ta for nowTTT Thought that, too (when someone types in what you were about to type)TTYL Talk to you laterTU Thank youTY Thank youUAPITA You're a pain in the assUW You're welcomeVBG Very big grinVBSEG Very big s***-eating grinWAG Wild a** guessWAYD What are you doingWB Welcome backWBS Write back soonWDALYIC Who died and left you in charge?WEG Wicked evil grinWFM Works for meWIBNI Wouldn't it be nice ifWT? What/who the ?WTFO What the F***! Over!WTG Way to go!WTGP? Want to go private?WU? What's up?WUF? Where are you from?WYSIWYG What you see is what you getYBS You'll be sorryYGBSM You gotta be s***tin' me!YMMV Your mileage may vary.YW You're welcome404 I haven't a clue ADN Any day now AFAIK As far as I know AFK Away from keyboard ASAP As soon as possible A/S/L? Age/sex/location? B4N Bye for now BAK Back at the keyboard BAS Big a** smile BBIAB Be back in a bit BBL Be back later BBN Bye bye now BBS Be back soon BEG Big evil grin BF Boy friend BFD Big f***ing deal BFN Bye for now BG Big grin BIBO Beer in, beer out BIOYIOP Blow it out your I/O port BL Belly laughing BMGWL Busting my gut with laughter BOTEC Back-of-the-envelope calculation BRB Be right back BTA But then again... BTDT Been there, done that BTW By the way BWL Bursting with laughter BWTHDIK But what the heck do I know...? CICO Coffee in, coffee out C&G Chuckle and grin CNP Continued in next post CRB Come right back CRBT Crying real big tears CU See you CUL See you later CUL8ER See you later CYA See ya CYA Cover your ass CYO See you online DBA Doing business as DFLA Disenhanced four-letter acronym (that is, a TLA) DL Dead link DLTBBB Don't let the bed bugs bite DIKU Do I know you? DITYID Did I tell you I'm distressed? DOM Dirty old man DOS Dozing off soon DQMOT Don't quote me on this DTRT Do the right thing DWB Don't write back EG Evil grin EMFBI Excuse me for butting in EMSG E-mail message EOM End of message EOT End of thread (meaning: end of discussion) ETLA Extended three-letter acronym (that is, an FLA) F2F Face to face FAQ Frequently-ask question(s) FC Fingers crossed FISH First in, still here FLA Four-letter acronym FMTYEWTK Far more than you ever wanted to know FOMCL Falling off my chair laughing FTBOMH From the bottom of my heart FUBAR F***ed up beyond all repair or recognition FUD Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt FWIW For what it's worth FYI For your information G Grin GA Go ahead GAL Get a life GD&R Grinning, ducking, and running GF Girlfriend GFN Gone for now GGP Gotta go pee GIWIST Gee, I wish I'd said that GL Good luck GMAB Give me a break GMTA Great minds think alike GOL Giggling out loud GTRM Going to read mail GTSY Glad to see you H&K Hug and kiss HAGN Have a good night HAND Have a nice day HHIS Hanging head in shame HIG How's it going HT Hi there HTH Hope this helps HUB Head up butt IAC In any case IAE In any event IANAL I am not a lawyer (but) IC I see IGP I gotta pee IHA I hate acronyms IHU I hear you IIRC If I recall/remember/recollect correctly ILU or ILY I love you IM Immediate message IMCO In my considered opinion IMHO In my humble opinion IMing Chatting with someone online usually while doing other things such as playing trivia or other interactive game IMNSHO In my not so humble opinion IMO In my opinion IMS I am sorry IOW In other words IPN I'm posting naked IRL In real life (that is, when not chatting) ITIGBS I think I'm going to be sick IWALU I will always love you IYSWIM If you see what I mean J4G Just for grins JBOD Just a bunch of disks (like redundant array of independent disks , etc.) JIC Just in case JK Just kidding JMO Just my opinion JTLYK Just to let you know KISS Keep it simple stupid KIT Keep in touch KOTC Kiss on the cheek KOTL Kiss on the lips KWIM? Know what I mean? L8R Later L8R G8R Later gator LD Later, dude LDR Long-distance relationship LHO Laughing head off LLTA Lots and lots of thunderous applause LMAO Laughing my a** off LMSO Laughing my socks off LOL Laughing out loud LRF Little Rubber Feet (the little pads on the bottom of displays and other equipment) LSHMBH Laughing so hard my belly hurts LTM Laugh to myself LTNS Long time no see LTR Long-term relationship LULAB Love you like a brother LULAS Love you like a sister LUWAMH Love you with all my heart LY Love ya LY4E Love ya forever MorF Male or female MOSS Member of the same sex MOTOS Member of the opposite sex MTF More to follow MUSM Miss you so much NADT Not a darn thing NFG No f*****g good NFW No feasible way or no f*****g way NIFOC Naked in front of computer NP or N/P No problem NRN No response necessary OIC Oh, I see OLL Online love OMG Oh my God OTF Off the floor OTOH On the other hand OTTOMH Off the top of my head PANS Pretty awesome new stuff (as opposed to "POTS") PAW Parents are watching PDA Public display of affection PEBCAK Problem exists between chair and keyboard PIBKAC Problem is between keyboard and chair PITA Pain in the ass PM Private message PMFJIB Pardon me for jumping in but... POAHF Put on a happy face ::POOF:: Goodbye (leaving the room) POTS Plain old telephone service PU That stinks! QT Cutie RL Real life (that is, when not chatting) ROR Raffing out roud (Engrish for "laughing out loud") ROTFL Rolling on the floor laughing ROTFLMAO Rolling on the floor laughing my a** off ROTFLMAOWPIMP Rolling on the floor laughing my a** off while peeing in my pants ROTFLMBO Rolling on the floor laughing my butt off RPG Role-playing games RSN Real soon now RT Real time RTFM Read the f***ing manual RYO Roll your own (write your own program; derived from cigarettes rolled yourself with tobacco and paper) S^ S'up - what's up S4L Spam for life (what you may get when you become someone's customer or client) SHCOON Shoot hot coffee out of nose SEG S***-eating grin SETE Smiling ear to ear SF Surfer-friendly (low-graphics Web site) -
Well, ever think about leaving your mate for someone else ???
by run dont walk inthis should be interesting, .
how many of you have thought or have left your mate for someone else, was it worth it, or worth it that you stayed ???.
going through a difficult time right now, we've been together 15 years now, no kids, shes a couple years older then me.
Smoldering Wick
Hi Sweet Xena!
I wrote my post for a few reasons.
First, it was to show how superficial basing a relationship on looks is. Secondly, it was to turn the tables on run. (for him to see that it would be possible for him to be the one who was jealous.) However, mostly it was to show the value in what he had at home (with his wife).
Of course, I agree with you as well. You cannot base a relationship on what you look like on the outside. ...and you shouldn't do something you don't want to do.
But, let's face it...Men are visual. Most of us (women) find our husbands when we look our best. They are attracted to us first by the way we look, and then they fall in love with us because of our intelligence, sense of humor etc. In time, looks fade (on both parts).
It's true, we are the same person inside...almost...except for being happy, fun, energetic, confident, sensual, sexual, interesting. It?s all we can do to keep up with the dull day-to-day struggles that most people put their health and their looks last.
If this relationship had serious problems that genuinely hurt either partner, then end it. From what I read, run cannot even pinpoint the problem...he says the "fire is fading" and that this younger woman is "very nice" and "personable."
Well, fan the flames don't start another fire!
Why is this younger woman attracted to run? Probably because run puts on his best at work. He is energetic, motivated, dedicated and happy while he is at work. That's what she sees....and that's attractive to women. Why is run's wife so jealous? Probably because the person she fell in love with...the energetic, motivated, dedicated, happy giving that all away at work and leaves nothing for her.
She obviously loves him...what other wife would put up with her husband working at a bar, late and long hours, surrounded by beautiful women?!? He probably thinks a lot about his job. Dresses nice, smells nice when he goes. Maybe he's tired when he comes home...doesn't notice her or the things she's done. Who knows?
This couple is no longer dating...they are roommates. In order for the relationship to change, they have to change. There has to be a substantial investment into the relationship from both parties. She has to once again "catch his eye." Women can be beautiful at any age...but, insecurity and jealousy are not attractive. He has to once again be emotionally & mentally available to her. It's just part of our nature.
Well, ever think about leaving your mate for someone else ???
by run dont walk inthis should be interesting, .
how many of you have thought or have left your mate for someone else, was it worth it, or worth it that you stayed ???.
going through a difficult time right now, we've been together 15 years now, no kids, shes a couple years older then me.
Smoldering Wick
I may be watching too much reality TV (I love the SWAN!), but...I'd suggest -
a "Restore Your Wife" project
Take all that money you are making at the bar and invest it in your wife. Buy her some new boobs, a tummy tuck, hair extensions and a spray on tan (or whatever she thinks she needs). She'll feel great and more desirable and in turn, that will make you desire her more.
Stop looking in the showroom at all those new cars when you have a classic sitting at home.
The only problem with "fixin up" your wife is that all the young hot guys might want a test-drive. (...oops, that might make you jealous.)
I thought the car/woman analogy would work well in this testosterone-laden thread.
~wick (truly a classic class)
Nicholas Berg's Beheading
by Elmer J. Fudd ini downloaded the beheading of nicholas berg and watched the video over and over.
my opinion is that the video was edited to the max and berg was already dead when they cut his head off.
no blood, no convulsions.
Smoldering Wick
Because, of course, you can accurately and definitively state how you would react in such a situation with total clarity. You can say with certainty how you would or would not act should your beheading be imminent.
The truth is that none of us know how we would deal with such a situation, and it's likely that we would react in a way that is not at all like the one we would expect when we are detached from the situation. How many times have we heard people say that they "wanted to scream, but couldn't" or "I thought I would cry and fall apart, but I didn't"? I am not trying to pick on you personally, necessarily, but I am floored whenever I hear someone (prosecuting attorney, random person commenting on the conduct of another after a tragedy, etc.) saying that someone's reaction to X horrible situation just isn't "right".
The truth is that no one who hasn't been in such a horrendous and logic defying situation can predict how they would react and judge someone elses reactions accordingly. And those who have been in such situations are rarely around afterwards to tell us just what was going through their mind at that moment. -Sara Annie
In offering an opinion, I can only filter a situation through my past experiences or observations. No one in this world has exactly my viewpoint as they have not had my exact experiences. I can only speculate on my perceived reaction based on the surrounding circumstance.
You are right no one knows exactly their reaction to a "horrendous and logic defying situation." Like past kidnapped victims who were tortured, raped, sodomized, electrocuted and afterward professed their "love" for their captor. The mind is malleable and capable of breaking. This is why it is of my opinion that Michael's mind could have been altered in some way (interrogation, torture, drugs etc.) Because based on reactions that I have witnessed to eminent danger (whether real or scripted) my assumption (and instinct) was that something was awry.
Nicholas Berg's Beheading
by Elmer J. Fudd ini downloaded the beheading of nicholas berg and watched the video over and over.
my opinion is that the video was edited to the max and berg was already dead when they cut his head off.
no blood, no convulsions.
Smoldering Wick
hello sixy, nice 2 see u 2.
He disappeared around April 10th and died May, apparently he had spent a month with his captors. Did he know a little of the language? He intended to go and "work" the koran. Even if he didn't know what they were saying...he was dressed up special, walked into a room with a video camera...saw the black masks, the murder weapon...maybe even watched or took place in a practice session? He didn't look nervous or apprehensive.
The web is full of speculations I don't fell like pondering. I just know what I saw (or what they wanted me to see).
Nicholas Berg's Beheading
by Elmer J. Fudd ini downloaded the beheading of nicholas berg and watched the video over and over.
my opinion is that the video was edited to the max and berg was already dead when they cut his head off.
no blood, no convulsions.
Smoldering Wick
The word ?Halleluiah? was used twice in the video, doesn?t seem to me that "Islamic Terrorists" would use that word. -Elmer J. Fudd
Probably because the guy who killed Nicholas was a Jordanian terrorist named Sheikh Abu Musab al-Zarqawi or someone linked to him.
If you are squeamish...don't read on.
I didn't intend to watch the video. Now I've watched it twice. I have questions. Something is doctored...of course these are insane terrorists who are full of rage and hate for America-the personification of Satan...why wouldn't something be wrong with it?
Was Nicholas drugged? Was he involved someway with that group? Did he think he was being Martyred? Why did he look peaceful when he was about to be murdered?
I ask this not to be anti-american or to deminish the horror of the act in anyway. But, if I were about to be slaughtered in the name of war/religion/freedom/crazy middle east people? I would have definately been screaming...or crying...or begging...shouting out that I loved my family or America ...or something! He sat there, calm. His face looked almost peaceful before it happened. Not fearing death, no dread. Of course the video is such a poor quality that it leaves many things unanswered. He was passive in dying, almost as if it was his duty. Yes, I did hear gurgling...whether the audio was in sync with the video or not...I heard it. I may have noticed movement. I did not see blood dripping from the head, I did see blood spewed out of the corpse. I don't know why there is time missing on the video. I also wondered why they used such a dull instrument to do the job.
I don't intend on focusing any more attention to this subject. Both sides feel they are justified in their actions by their "God." To me, hatred and bloodshed are the opposite of peace. Many will disagree as they feel it is the only way to make peace. (like the only way for me to love you is to hate you first...or to appreciate color is to go blind? Ridiculous!)
I wouldn't want to follow either of these people's religions. They are both in-humane.
(I never did understand all the blood shed in the bible -in the name of god)
Did You Ever Get Into A Fight In Your Dub Days?
by Englishman ini did, several times.. once on a bus to an assembly, a bro took a swing at me and hit me on the cheek.
we'd be sharing baby-minding duties at the assembly and he thought that i wasn't doing my share.
in the ministry work, one time, some thugs decided to harass myself and a pioneer lad.
Smoldering Wick
OK, I admit it, I threw the first punch. Luckily (or rather because of Jehovah's Spirit) an elder caught my fist before it hit the sister's face.
I was 28, she was probably 35. We were both pioneering...this happened one morning in the Kingdom Hall parking lot right after the meeting for service.
I had know idea how much she hated me. (lol I thought I was the sweetest thang.)
We had made plans to work with each other that morning. She stopped by my house before she went to the Kingdom Hall to tell me she changed her mind. She said she couldn't stand me...and was tired of pretending. LOL! I asked her what I had done to make her so mad. She said she was pissed off because I had "hesitated" one time when she asked for a ride to the district convention.
Guess what? I pissed her off even more...when I told her I didn't even remember taking her to the convention! LOL (I've gone to assemblies since I was a baby and they all kinda run together)
I asked her when it was that we took her. She said "10 years ago".
This woman had been mad at me for TEN YEARS!! and I had no clue.
I explained that the reason I hesitated was that I was eighteen years old and eight months pregnant. I had a two door nissan, luggage and a cooler, a husband who would say no...and she had two kids. I didn't think she'd be comfortable!! ...anyway I begged my husband to take her because I was embarrassed to tell her no.
Well, now this lady is standing in my kitchen telling me that I had made her trip to the assembly miserable....because she was cramped and didn't have room. LOL
We both went to the meeting for service steaming. She couldn't believe that I didn't even remember something that had been stewing in her brain for 10 years.
To make a long story longer...the elder leading the group paired us up to work together. haha On the way to the car she starts yelling at me. Loud enough that the others came out of the Kingdom Hall...just in time to watch me throw a punch. LOL!
I must have really been mad...cuz I was such a geeky witness who would never stand up for myself.
~wick (of the don't get me mad class)
Jehovah's Witness Accidentally Eats Candy Cane
by drwtsn32 insaw this on another site... way too funny not to post here!
jehovah's witness accidentally eats candy cane.
Smoldering Wick
I thought all Holiday candy was ok to long as it was 75% off.
What was the silliest thing they told you NOT to do?
by goddess_baal inthere was some really piddily-crap that i remember.. for instance, when i was about 17 toe-rings became popular, and one of the sisters bought one....wore it to the kh during the summer with her sandals.
my best friend in the hall wanted one, which of course caused this huge debate about whether it would be okay 'in jehovah's eyes', and didn't it go against the scripture that counsels women against "bodily adornment", blah-blah-blah.
toe rings??!
Smoldering Wick
...not to make more money than my husband.
...not to correct him (or any other man) in public.
...not to show too much leg during the meeting. (it was distracting)
oh...and to immediately destroy the box of lucky charms I had on my fridge.
~wick (of the magically delicious class)